Vision & Values
Our ambition is a partnership where all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential to increase their life chances so that they are prepared for a successful, ambitious and happy future.
Our Values
Be Kind
Be Confident
Be Honest
Be Respectful
We expect everyone to be responsible for their own behaviour and choices, to respect the rights and beliefs of others and share our values.
Our Ethos
At George White Junior School we are aiming to develop learners who are good positive members of our community and citizens of our world who are leaders of kindness and respect. We want our children to look positivity outwards and develop an awareness and curiosity about the wider world beyond their immediate environment.
We want our children to have characteristics of being confident and knowledgeable to be aspirational about their future lives to achieve their goals. We want them to attain high standards in reading and writing and maths and make connections and enjoy their learning. We want our children to develop a positive mindset in order to be creative, flexible, resilient and respectful thinkers who can easily adapt and learn independently. We want our children to have the resilience and confidence to know it is ok to make mistakes, we learn and grow from these and this is part of their individual learning experience to reach their high aspirational goals.
We are proud to celebrate children’s achievements both in school and beyond school. We celebrate achievement in weekly celebration assemblies and weekly class talk time. It is important to us that children follow their own interests and passions having the confidence and self-belief to be proud of these.
We want our children to develop into healthy adults both physically and emotionally who have an open-minded positive attitude that enables them to make good choices and decisions in life.
Above all, we want them to become positive, confident and happy citizens.
The Characteristics Aims for all children is they are:
- Happy, healthy and confident
- Independent, determined and resilient
- Kind, friendly and respectful citizens of our community and world
- Ethical informed
- Fluent and able readers who continue to read throughout their lives
- Prepared for the next step in their educational journey with the life skills needed to enable them to lead fulfilling lies as valued members of society
- Reflective, by look back at their time at George White Junior School with fond and happy memories