Home Learning Activities
We know that pupils learn best when they practise. It helps them gain competence and helps them to improve. Even when pupils have mastered something, practising still has benefits: it reinforces the basic skills that they need to learn more advanced skills, it protects against forgetting and practice helps them to apply their knowledge and skills in different ways. Because of this, we expect all pupils to complete weekly homework.
Homework Tasks
This year we have updated our home learning to further support the learning for your child in school. Homework is designed to help pupils practise what they have already learned and extend this further, whilst respecting family time.
We expect all children to read at home 5 times per week and for a minimum of 10 minutes.
We also expect children in Years 3, 4 and 5 to be accessing Times Table Rockstars at least 3 times per week.
Year 6 children have a log in to Prodigy Maths with the expectation they access this at least 3 times per week. They also have weekly CPG workbook homework for maths, grammar and comprehension.
In addition to the above, children will also be set half termly homework based on their Science, History, Geography, English, French or Art learning. This is an extended piece of learning which you can choose from a list given. There will be an option of creating, researching or exploring linked to your child’s current learning.
Your child’s class teacher will set the date for work to be brought in to school where it will be shared and celebrated in class and in our whole school celebration assemblies.
Explore tasks will be based around something to see, go, do or collect
Create tasks will be based around designing, making, writing or drawing
Research tasks will be based around finding out, reading, recording, presenting, discussing or debating
If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of staff in the year group.